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TTV 2019

Changing young people's lives

Home: Welcome

Day 13 - Drumming workshop and party!

Our final full day: our Gambian partners came to the Gunjur Lodge for lunch, for a drumming workshop guided by Butch our host at the...

Day 12 - Hospital, Church and Theatre

I spent nine days in hospital while I’ve been here: an interesting experience. I don’t know where to start – it’s been a lot to deal...

Day 10 Youth Empowerment Project

Today we went to visit the YEP in Bakau, the Youth Empowerment Project. It’s an EU funded programme to educate, train, and offer...

Day 9 Lunch at our partner's compound

I knew before we came out here that we would be spending a day in our Gambian partner’s compound, where they live with their family. And...

Day 8 Kunta Kinteh Island

We had a really early start from Gunjur today. We went in two minibuses with our Gambian partners. On our bus there was a huge sing-song....

Day 7 - Reflections

Halfway, and looking back, it’s been a challenging week. Staying strong despite the hurdles, just staying OK and not crying is quite...

Day 6 - Eco tourism and the beach

In the early hours of the morning we had the most amazing, intense thunderstorm. I’ve never experienced a storm like it. In a matter of...

Day 5 - Tobaski

This morning we went to Tobaski, or the festival of Eid Al-Adha, celebrated at the prayer ground in the centre of Gunjur. I found it...

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